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Melphalan Injection is an anti-cancer drug used in the treatment of ovarian cancer and a type of cancer of bone marrow called multiple myeloma. It may also be used to treat other conditions, as determined by the doctor.

Melphalan Injection is administered by a doctor or a nurse into the vein. Do not self administer this medicine at home. Your doctor will decide what dose is necessary and how often you need to take it. This will depend on what you are being treated for and may change from time to time. It may take several weeks or months for you to see or feel the benefits but do not stop taking it unless your doctor tells you to. It makes skin more sensitive towards sunlight, wear protective clothing or use sunscreen.

The most common side effects of this medicine include nausea, vomiting, anemia (low number of red blood cells) and hair loss. This medicine may reduce the number of blood cells in your blood thereby, increasing the susceptibility to infections. Regular blood tests are required to check your blood cells along with kidney, liver and heart function during treatment with this medicine. Inform your doctor if you observe signs of infections such as fever, chills, body ache or if you have unusual bruising or bleeding and bleeding gums or blood in your urine or stool.

Before taking it, tell your doctor if you have bleeding, liver, or kidney problems or are taking any medicines to treat infections. Many other medicines can affect, or be affected by, this medicine so let your doctor know all medications you are using. This medicine is not recommended during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. The use of effective contraception by both males and females during treatment is important to avoid pregnancy.

Melphalan Injection
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