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Etomidate Injection is a general anesthetic. It is used in major surgical procedures. It allows the procedures to be carried out without pain and distress. It is administered under the supervision of a healthcare professional. This medicine is used in a hospital setting only.

Etomidate Injection causes loss of consciousness which is reversible. You may be monitored during the complete procedure to observe changes in vital signs such as blood pressure, pulse rate, heartbeat and ventilation. The most common side effects of this medicine include headache, weakness and fever.

This medicine is to be taken in the dosage and duration as advised by the doctor. Inform your doctor if you are pregnant or are suffering from liver diseases. It is safe to use in breastfeeding mothers or patients of kidney diseases.

Inform your doctor if you are on any medications or have any known allergy to this medicine before the start of the procedure. Driving should not be done as this medicine may cause sleepiness and may impair your ability to think or react. It is also advised not to operate machinery because of these effects.

Etomidate Injection
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