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Calcium Folinate Tablets is used to prevent the harmful effects of methotrexate (anticancer medicine). It is also used in the treatment of methotrexate overdose.

Calcium Folinate Tablets can be taken with or without food. Your doctor will decide what dose is necessary and how often you need to take it. This will depend on what you are being treated for and may change from time to time. You should take it exactly as your doctor has advised. Taking it in the wrong way or taking too much can cause very serious side effects.

It is generally safe medicine to use with no common side effects if taken in the right amount. Your doctor may request regular blood tests to monitor your blood cells and serum methotrexate concentration in the blood.

Before taking it, tell your doctor if have seizures, liver, or kidney problems or are taking any medicines to treat infections. Many other medicines can affect, or be affected by, this medicine so let your doctor know all medications you are using, especially phenytoin for your seizures.

Calcium Folinate Tablets
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